We arrived Perugia on Tuesday. Classes had already started on Monday so we had to get right on it. We went to bed at 7.30. I woke up at 4.30am to shower, prepare breakfast, snack and lunch for the boys and prepare our clothes and bags for the day. I woke them up at 7.30 and got them ready and fed for the day. Metu’s caregiver arrived at 8am and Solu and I left to catch the bus at 8am. This was our basic morning routine everyday.
We got to school and I went to register Solu. He took one week of summer camp last year and he has the same teacher he had then. She is really sweet and patient. There are about 9-10 children in his class and it is called the primavera (class). The children are 2-3yrs old. The school does not accept children younger than 2. He did well in the morning but started looking for me and crying after their music session. His teacher brought him over to the training center and he stayed for a while but kept trying to talk to me which was disruptive so I took him back and stayed with him till he settled in again. This was basically how everyday went. It was a little tiring for me and I really hope next week goes better. The teachers thought he did very well as children are usually gradually phased in and not expected to spend the whole day from the beginning.
He enjoyed working with playdough, sewing and gluing. He also enjoyed helping the assistant clean up and return the cart to the kitchen after lunch. He did this on several days and talked about it when we got home.
School ends for Solu at 2.30 and he comes over to the practice room and either me or some of the other students practice by giving him lessons. Some days were good and others were interesting. Overall I was really excited and very inspired to start a school. He really got the materials. He immediately saw by himself the relationship between the pink tower and the brown stair although he misplaced two of the blocks and although he knew something was wrong, he couldn’t figure out what. I am excited to see his discoveries! He also immediately saw the unit of difference with the red rods.
We were presented with the decanomial square this week. One of the most amazing moments during my observations in February was watching a child construct this material. I watched him and concentrated with him for 50 minutes. It was seriously life changing for me and so I really enjoyed this lesson. I look forward to exploring it more and making new discoveries
At the end of every school day (3.30pm) Solu and I rushed to catch the 3:35 bus and get home to Metu.
We were welcomed with a dance and serious joy. He seems to be doing well with his caregiver and she says he doesn’t cry. Loves walking, looking at trees, cars and dogs. He eats all the food I leave him everyday and seems to be to thriving. Some pictures from his day.
The caregiver leaves as soon as we get home and I have a snack with the boys and then we head to the park nearby. We feed pidgins, run around and play for an hour or 2 and then head home.
Once home, I put the boys in the bath and make dinner. When I’m done, they get ready for bed and we eat together, brush, read a book or two and then it’s off to bed for them and off to school work for me. The day starts again at 5/5.30 for me…
I’ll have to write a separate post about our first weekend.
It’s not too late to register for the understanding and supporting your infant ecourse
Christine Laubin · May 8, 2016 at 3:46 pm
So good to hear of your flourishing as well as the biys!
nduoma · May 8, 2016 at 11:15 pm
Thank you Christine
Eloisa · May 8, 2016 at 4:36 pm
You are an inspiration! I was able to do the AMI 0-3 assistants course recently and would love to do the 3-6 diploma, but I live in South America and it isn’t offered near me. Would love to travel but couldn’t imagine figuring out logistics with my 1 year old while I’m studying! You are amazing and your boys are wonderful, I love reading your entries.
nduoma · May 8, 2016 at 10:30 pm
Thank you Eloisa. I hope you have enjoyed the course. It is definitely not ideal to be training with young children in a different country but I am inspired by the effects I see in my children everyday. I hope the AMI training keeps spreading and becomes more accessible to people around the world both logistically and financially. Thank you for reading
Florencia U Malvido · May 8, 2016 at 6:15 pm
Hi NduomaI’m very interested in taking your upcoming e-course. You mention you’ve had international students in past e-courses. I’m in Spain so before I pay to enroll I wanted to ask you how this works. Do we have to be available at a certain time/day or can we access the information of the course over a period of days to adapt to our time zone. I just received the informative email of your upcoming course today and it’s past the early-bird period for a discount fee. I humbly ask if there’s a possibility to request the discount rate. That wont determine my enrollment but I thought I’d ask. I hope I can be one of the course participants.Thank youFlorencia
Date: Sun, 8 May 2016 12:18:37 +0000 To: fumalvido@hotmail.com
nduoma · May 8, 2016 at 10:26 pm
Dear Florence, thank you for your interest in the course. Yes, I have had participants whose first language is not English. The course has English audio lessons but I also provide a detailed written summary which the international participants found particularly helpful. You will receive a link which you can access at your convenience during the duration of the course so it is flexible to your time zone. Already for this course, I have participants from UK, US, Mexico and Indonesia
I am sorry that you just received the email about he early bird discount. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to offer it since others have paid the full fee. I assure you that it is a rich course and is worth the fee. I also include one video consultation. I do hope you register for the course and I look forward to working with you.