The Outcomes that Matter

Yesterday I observed 6 isolated incidents. I am posting them here because I want to remember the feeling I got when I reflected on them. I heard a child crying while being dropped off, I went over and tried to talk to him but he continued to cry. As I Read more…

Do Montessori Children Pretend Play?

One of the common myths about Montessori is that it does not encourage imagination and pretend play. This misunderstanding stems from the fact that Montessori emphasizes real experiences and discourages fantasy (not to be mistaken for pretend play) for children under 6 years old. The emphasis on real experiences actually Read more…

Understanding and Supporting the Toddler

An online Montessori course for parents navigating the toddler years. The course will help you gain a deeper understanding of your toddler by looking and his developmental needs and then provide you will tools to support him using the Montessori philosophy. Price: $199 A lot of popular opinion about toddlers Read more…