We use a Kitchen Helper which we purchased off amazon. It is perfect for our small kitchen as it folds up and can be stored in this otherwise unused space beside our fridge

He can also climb into it independently. We started using it around 8 months when he could stand without support and had to lift him in and out of it. He started climbing in by himself at 14 months and has just recently figured out how to climb out.

On a tray, I have a bowl to hold the egg and eventually the shells, the slicer and a bowl for the sliced egg. Ideally there should be three bowls one to hold the egg before and after peeling, one for the shells and one for the sliced egg.
Take the egg and tap gently to make a crack

And start peeling. This requires and builds patience and concentration in the child and definitely requires patience from the adult as it can take a while.

When you are tempted to help, look at the focus on that face, and look at the fingers to remind yourself of the concentration and fine motor skills being developed. This is a good time to work on other things.

When he comes out of his trance and calls to you is done, it’s time to slice! Open the slicer while mummy rinses the egg
Live a Good Life!
Liz · January 18, 2015 at 11:45 am
Thanks for sharing this. We have not done any egg slicing yet as we generally don’t eat boiled eggs (we prefer them fried or mixed in with other things). We therefore do not have an egg slicer but I am keen to buy one and give it a go as I am sure Lotus will love the process . I also hope it will encourage her to eat the yolk as she currently only eats the egg white unless both yolk and egg are all mixed together.
Plavixo · January 20, 2015 at 2:23 am
I love the gentleness of your posts! You have a very helpful little chef : )
Teaching Gentleness through Practical Life | · January 17, 2015 at 12:11 pm
[…] Peeling and Slicing an Egg […]