Hi all,


triedit Collage

I’m adding a new feature to highlight pictures, videos or emails sent in by readers sharing their experiences trying out ideas from www.nduoma.com

Our first feature shows a reader’s little one using some of the mobiles I discussed in this post. You can also see the movement mat and mirror in the last picture. I have also included some videos of the baby interacting with the mobiles.

Watching the Munari mobile during her first week. in the beginning she would concentrate on it for only about 10 mins

Watching the Munari mobile during her first week. in the beginning she would concentrate on it for only about 10 mins

She gradually started focusing for longer

She gradually started focusing for longer

"She was content for an hour here while I did my workout."

“She was content for an hour here while I did my workout.”



Here are the reader’s comments about her experience so far:

 I think it’s made her a content baby in general. Her being able to lay on her own n not need to b “entertained”. I have also loved not having to physically hold her constantly. Allowing her to be on her own and see things herself rather than us always having to figure out ways to keep her from being bored. She’s able to “entertain” herself by observing things around her.

At first it wasn’t very long. 10 min if that. But this last week or 2 she’s been concentrating more and talking more

The biggest thing she wanted to share was that you shouldn’t expect your child to concentrate for 1 hour the first time. She started out for short periods and then with time was able to stay for long and like the picture says, she was there for one hour the last time and only stopped because daddy came home and wanted to play.

I love it!

Have you tried any of the ideas discussed on here? If yes, I would love to hear about it or answer any questions.

Live a GoodLife!


The movement area during symbiosis | · May 8, 2014 at 4:18 pm

[…] I already discussed the mobiles for the first three months in this post and you saw a reader’s experience here. I will share mine in later posts […]

10 things you can do to help your child concentrate | · July 2, 2014 at 10:24 pm

[…] Start Early: Babies can concentrate. I wrote about a reader’s daughter watching the Gobbi for 40 minutes. Given free time, a prepared orderly environment and all the other factors listed above, […]

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