Our first week in Perugia

We arrived Perugia on Tuesday. Classes had already started on Monday so we had to get right on it. We went to bed at 7.30. I woke up at 4.30am to shower, prepare breakfast, snack and lunch for the boys and prepare our clothes and bags for the day. I woke them up at 7.30 and got them ready and fed for the day. Metu’s caregiver arrived at 8am and Solu and I left to catch the bus at 8am. This was our basic morning routine everyday.

We got to school and I went to register Solu. He took one week of summer camp last year and he has the same teacher he had then. She is really sweet and patient. There are about 9-10 children in his class and it is called the primavera (class). The children are 2-3yrs old. The school does not accept children younger than 2. He did well in the morning but started looking for me and crying after their music session. His teacher brought him over to the training center and he stayed for a while but kept trying to talk to me which was disruptive so I took him back and stayed with him till he settled in again. This was basically how everyday went. It was a little tiring for me and I really hope next week goes better. The teachers thought he did very well as children are usually gradually phased in and not expected to spend the whole day from the beginning.

He enjoyed working with playdough, sewing and gluing. He also enjoyed helping the assistant clean up and return the cart to the kitchen after lunch. He did this on several days and talked about it when we got home.


Back in Perugia

We are back in Perugia so I can complete my AMI 3-6 training. I took a lot of pictures last year but never got around to writing posts.

This time, I want to do a better job of documenting our experience and so will do be posting a lot of pictures with or without text. So here goes!


Understanding and Supporting your Infant E-Course


I am excited to be offering this e-course again. The first course welcomed participants from 5 countries on 3 continents and I got a lot of wonderful feedback which inspired me to offer in course again. Here is some information about the course.

Understanding and Supporting the Infant e-course

This course focuses on the child from birth till about 18 months old. It starts on May 16th and runs for 4 weeks.

Price: $199 


Following the child 

As a trained Montessori teacher, I find myself frequently thinking of what activities Solu might already have been presented with if he was in a toddler community. I especially miss the big practical life activities like table and cloth washing. Read more…