The first time I saw children set a table was also the first time I encountered Montessori.  I visited and observed a Montessori classroom and the experience changed my life.

The children were setting the table for lunch. It was such a beautiful sight. This is a staple activity in most Montessori classrooms, regardless of age. 

  From a toddler perspective, setting a table is an awesome activity. 

It meets the need for movement: the child goes back and forth from table to shelf to bring table mats, plates, utensils etc.

It meets the child’s need for language. He can mention the name of each object, the different shapes, the materials- glass, wood, metal, cloth etc. He can talk about the process, the other children whose places he is setting etc.

It meets the child’s need for order. There is a place for everything and it gives him an opportunity to be exact.

Setting the table is a great way to teach service to others, care of self, others and the environment. It helps build community and appreciation between children whether it be classmates or siblings.

It helps the child refine his movements and learn to be careful especially when the dishes are glass.


Since we came home, I have been gradually modifying our environment to meet the needs of my two boys. I try to make changes gradually and watch for signs that they are ready. I first set up the basic environment. I moved the hand washing station to the living room and added a water dispensing station.

 He knew how to use the hand washing station so we worked on getting water from the dispenser and then getting into the routine of eating at the table with his brother. 
As part of this process, he was responsible for filling up their glasses and clearing the table. He would take the dishes to the kitchen one at a time. 

After about a week, I felt we had our routine down so I set up the area for more independence.   

The videos and pictures are pretty self explanatory so I’ll just let you watch them. As usual, they keep it real and are far from perfect. You will hear the baby fussing in the background and see items from our outdoor area inside. We had a storm the night before. The same storm also caused the mirror to fall off the wall but that’s just real life around here! Happy to answer any questions in the comments.

When he is done, he takes the basket to the kitchen, returns the table mat  

And wipes the table while his brother watches on, absorbing the process.


When the dishes are clean, he brings them back and arranges them on the shelf.

I love how he finishes and just walks away, moving on to other things… No praise or external gratification required.

Ps. It wasn’t intentional but I love how our dishes and cups have brought him in practical contact with a circle, square and rectangle.

I’m happy to answer any questions. Do you have your child’s meal process set up to facilitate independence? 

Live a Good Life!


Sue-Mey Pacheco · October 12, 2015 at 11:16 pm

Hello, this is inspirational. We are trying to do this. How old are they? My boy is 1 and I want to know how to show him to do all this amazing things.

Sue-Mey Pacheco · October 12, 2015 at 11:17 pm

This is inspirational, we are trying to do this.

How old are they. My boy is 1 is it too early to do this? He is an only child.

    nduoma · October 13, 2015 at 10:42 pm

    Hello Sue-Mey, my first son is 2 year old (25 months old) and my second is 6 months old. It is not too early to involve your son in the process. If he can walk then he’s ready to participate the routine activities like this. First step is to set up an area that he can reach with the basic necessities. Then introduce the process slowly. You could start with him only placing the mat and then gradually add on as you observe his interest and abilities. Include him in your tasks around the house and give him opportunities for independence. They are capable 🙂

    Thank you for your comment and let me know how I can help further.

Beth - Our Montessori Life · October 13, 2015 at 12:10 am

Oh what an excellent post! I think meals and all that surround them are a big part of the confusion/inexperience new Montessori families have.

I need to message you. I often think about you and the boys.

    nduoma · October 13, 2015 at 10:31 pm

    Thanks Beth! I’ll look for your message

Kennie Arogunjo · October 13, 2015 at 10:16 pm

are there times when he is not in the mood to do any of this? .. i am guessing the answer is yes!. 🙂

    nduoma · October 13, 2015 at 10:27 pm

    Hello Kennie, Do any of what? Set the table? It’s part of their eating routine and I don’t ask/force him to do it. If he’s hungry and it’s time to eat, he sets the table. I guess for me it’s like taking off his pants when he needs to use the toilet. It has nothing to do with mood, it’s just part of the process.

    If your question is about activities on the shelf to work on, then off course. He has complete freedom to choose if and when he wants to work/play. On some days he prefers to ride his tricycle all day and that’s perfectly fine because I trust that he’s meeting his needs. On other days he goes through and works on everything and asks for more. It ebbs and flows

    Thank you for your comment 🙂

Froukje Matthews · October 17, 2015 at 6:08 am

Great post! These pictures & videos are so helpful for parents who wonder how much one can teach a toddler. Thank you, I pass your site on to the parents in my Montessori Playgroup!.

vidhya · April 10, 2016 at 8:46 am

Solu arranging the table THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING Ive seen in a long time ! I have a water dispenser set up, however my 18m old is interested in letting the water flow out of it. How do we help him with using it only to fill glass when he needs ?

Following the child  | · October 21, 2015 at 12:43 am

[…] table setting, these washing activities meet the child’s needs for movement, order, language and […]

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